Article in : Communication & Collaboration

The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing

Innovations in technology have changed the way in which society acts. As classical scholar and university librarian James O’…

Information Processing Theory and Impact on Learning

The Information Processing Theory is an approach to cognitive development that suggests a way in which humans process the in…

Digital Literacy vs. Digital Fluency

The rapid emergence of modern technologies had drastically changed the way the world works and the way in which information …

Digital Literacy is Crucial for Reading and Writing Instruction

Literacy is known as the ability to read for knowledge, write coherently, and think critically about a language. The emergen…

Using the Power of the Internet to Connect People

Online performance artist Ze Frank's discusses his "web playroom" in the video below.  Traditionally, art ende…

Exploring Culture, Identity, and Representation through Art Education

Culture is understood in Anthropology as the symbolic, ideational, and intangible aspects of human societies. The “essence o…

Alternatives to PowerPoint: Web-Based Presentation Slide Programs

I used to teach Grade 8 English for 90 students. That meant whenever there were class presentations....I watched 90 of them.…

Microsoft Word Online vs. Google Docs

Why Both Are Great: Collaborate and share with others -  work on a document in live time; collaborate on whole folders of d…

Blended Learning: Learning Management Systems

This hybrid method of learning combines traditional classroom and online education. Blended learning has emerged with the ad…

Online Privacy for Students in a Digital Age

When I taught Grade 8 English, I always had my students write an autobiography at the beginning of the year to learn more ab…

21st Century Teaching Means Collaboration

The information age has broadened our accessibility to information and people. As technology and consequently approaches to …