Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP / MTs Tentang The Owl

The Owl
Owls are unique and amazing birds. They are heavy birds and have large heads and round or oval face. Owls have round eyes Their eyes are large and are locked in the skull It means the eyes cannot rotate independently They are typically solitary Though owls are typically solitary, they also
live in group of owls, that is a parliament. They can be found in all regions of the Earth except Antarctica and some remote islands.
Most owls are nocturnal. They hunt their prey only in darkness especially in the night. While all birds have good senses, owls have especially hearing that can help them locate the prey in poor light or complete dark Owls hunt mostly small mammals, insects and other birds.

Terjemahan The Owl
Burung hantu
Burung hantu adalah burung yang unik dan menakjubkan. Mereka adalah burung-burung besar dan memiliki kepala besar dan wajah bulat atau oval. Burung hantu memiliki mata bulat Mata mereka besar dan terkunci di tengkorak. Ini berarti mata tidak dapat berputar secara independen. Mereka biasanya menyendiri. Meskipun burung hantu biasanya menyendiri, mereka juga

hidup dalam kelompok burung hantu, yaitu parlemen. Mereka dapat ditemukan di semua wilayah di Bumi kecuali Antartika dan beberapa pulau terpencil.

Sebagian besar burung hantu aktif di malam hari. Mereka berburu mangsanya hanya dalam kegelapan terutama di malam hari. Sementara semua burung memiliki indera yang baik, burung hantu memiliki pendengaran khusus yang dapat membantu mereka menemukan mangsa dalam cahaya yang buruk atau burung hantu gelap yang sepenuhnya berburu sebagian besar mamalia kecil, serangga dan burung lainnya.

  1. What is owl's food?
  2. The owls usually search their prey...
  3. "They are heavy birds and have large heads." (paragraph 1 line 1)
    The word "they" refers to ...
  4. Why do the eyes of owl cannot rotate independently?
  5. "They are typically solitary"
    The underlined word means...
  6. How does the owl find the prey?
  7. Where can we find the owls?
  8. "Most owls are nocturnal."
    The world "noctural" means...
  9. According to the text, a group of owls is called?
  10. What is the purpose of the text?
